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Nail n Things x Silkism

[ Nail n Things x Silkism ] Beauty Bundle - Pink 新美學套組.粉 |

Regular price HK$268.00
Regular price HK$288.00 Sale price HK$268.00
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The Beauty Bundle includes 套組包含: 

- Silkism Silk Mask - Terra Cotta x1 |  Silkism 絲綢美容立體口罩- 粉 x 1
- Nail n things Nail Wraps - N05 Pink Bubble x1 | Nail n Things 凝膠甲貼-粉紅泡泡 x1

Best Silk Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

A new concept of protection and moisturizer in a single mask, Silkism’s exclusive new beauty mask! Silk facial all day!!

  • 100% Natural & Biodegradable 100%天然和可生物分解
  • Reusable, Washable & Sustainable 可重複使用,耐洗。
  • Contains 18 essential amino acids that naturally aid in countering the effects of ageing, whilst helping to retain moisture in the skin 包含18種必需氨基酸,有助於抗衰老同鎖住皮膚中水分。
  • Hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin 低敏物料,高度親膚,
  • Breathable and naturally cool to the touch 高透氣度,天然涼感
  • The Interior pocket for Insertable Filters come with the silk face mask. ( Filter purchase separately.)

Silk is a hydrophobic material, which makes it is less absorbent to water - meaning that if you wear a silk mask, your skin will dry out less in comparison to other fabrics. It is also naturally hypoallergenic, which will help to prevent your skin from becoming irritated. So, if you feel that your skin has been drying out or breaking out as a result of a covering, a silk face mask may be just the solution you need.

**This is a non-medical mask.

Hyaluronic Acid Finishing

Hyaluronic acid is commonly abbreviated as “HA”, is a naturally occurring molecule found throughout almost every fluid and tissue in our bodies, primarily in the skin, eyes, and joints. In fact, approximately 50% of the total HA resides in the skin.


Silkism 玻尿酸真絲口罩:使用玻尿酸成分的真絲布料製作而成, 透氣親膚,特別適合敏感肌膚使用。絲滑觸感,減少因摩擦而產生的皺紋,同時具有保濕鎖水功效。定期清洗以後可重複使用。口罩內部有夾層設計,可搭配 Silkism Filter 濾芯 ,增加防護力。(Silkism Filter 濾芯需另行加購)


Nail n Things Nail Wrap - N05 Pink Bubble | 粉紅泡泡 N05 -單色凝膠甲貼

Nail n Things products have passed product testing, are non-toxic & harmless, can be used safely by pregnant women and children.

Nail Wraps are made from real nail polish.
One box contains two rows of nail stickers, enough to use for two times and up.
No more worrying about making appointment with nail salons, you can change your manicure freely at any time.

凝膠甲貼由真正的指甲油製成, 一盒包含兩排甲貼,足夠貼兩次以上。不用擔心美甲店關門,任何時間都可以自由換美甲。每天都可以有靚靚指甲.  產品皆通過產品測試,無毒無害,孕婦小孩都可安心使用 。


Optional add 選購濾芯:

-Silism Silk Mask Filters x 1 Pack | 絲綢美容口罩濾芯 x 1 盒 (每盒含五個濾芯)

(Each pack comes with 5 filters) 

High Breathability Full Coverage & 4-layered design Each filter can be worn for 30 hours. 


*Please note that due to hygiene reasons, Silkism Masks are not valid for returns, refunds and exchanges.


Each Nail n Things Package includes:

-20 Double- Ended Self-Adhesive Nail Polish Wraps of 10 different sizes

-1 x Nail File

-1 x Alcohol Wipe  

-Instructions for Application and removal on the back of our packing